
What Services Are Provided By Sexual Health Clinics

Taking care of your reproductive health is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Visiting a doctor about sexual health should be embarrassing or awkward. It’s like going to see a doctor for any other health issues. Sexual health clinics provide free medical services and confidential counselling. They also offer treatment for STIs and also run various tests.

Sexual health clinics provide various services, including information and advice about sexual health, pregnancy testing, free condoms, contraception, HIV testing and hepatitis B vaccination. They also provide advice on abortion, offer help for sexually assaulted individuals and treatment and testing for sexually transmitted infections. If necessary, a patient can get a referral to a professional. If you want to benefit from all these services, you can visit a local sexual health clinic.

Sexual health clinics also offer STI testing for diseases such as syphilis, chlamydia, genital herpes and gonorrhea. The test varies, depending on the condition you’re tested for. The tests include urine samples, an examination of genitals, a throat swab, an internal examination for women, blood samples and much more. No matter the race, gender or sexual orientation can get these services.

Who Can Visit A Sexual Health Clinic?

Anyone can go to a sexual health clinic despite their age. Some clinics have sessions for specific groups, including homosexuals and young people. In some clinics, you’ll need an appointment; in others, you can; you don’t necessarily need appointments. People with special needs also can have access to sexual health services. There should be clinics for people with learning disabilities, sex workers, and physical disabilities. Sexual health services are completely free and confidential.

Why You Should Visit A Sexual Health Clinic

There is a stigma associated with visiting a sexual health clinic. As much as we might not admit going to a sexual health clinic is accompanied by judgmental glares. Going to a sexual health clinic is often associated with having an std. However, that’s not always the case. Despite the sexual health clinic offering treatment for people infected with STDs and STI’s visiting a sexual health clinic also helps in various ways.

Having Peace of Mind

Going regularly for testing can help you know your sexual health status. Also, to be sure you don’t have STDs or HIV, you should go for testing at least once a year or every six months. People often think they are fine and healthy, but some diseases, such as Chlamydia, sometimes show no symptoms.

The Well-Being of Your Partner

If you are infected, you can protect your partner by either using a condom or abstaining. Knowing the status of your partner is also crucial for proper treatment.

Prevention of Health Problems

Untreated STDs and STIs can cause health conditions such as cancer and infertility. If the diseases are diagnosed earlier and treated, it will prevent more significant health problems.

In-Depth Knowledge of Sexual Health

You will learn more about sexual health by visiting a sexual health clinic. You’ll learn about various diseases, their symptoms, and the treatments for such conditions.

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